PhD Graduate 2020
I received my BS in Chemistry and a MBA in Strategic Sustainability from Humboldt State. At the time I working as the quality assurance manager for a local environmental laboratory and became fascinated with surface waters. I later obtained an MS in Environmental Engineering Sciences at the University of Florida, before beginning my PhD at UC Merced in 2016. Currently, my research involves connecting mercury cycling and oxygenation in a eutrophic reservoir in San Diego, as well as an economic analysis and life cycle assessment of oxygenation systems for lakes and reservoirs. I hope to continue working with the City of San Diego after graduating so that I can continue to work with innovative systems for water quality improvement and ultimately help protect our state’s limited freshwater resources.
Byran graduated with a PhD in Environmental Systems in 2020 and is now working as an applied research scientist with SePRO, the industry leader in aquatic herbicides, algaecides and water quality solutions.