How to Apply

Applications have now closed.

Step 1: Apply through APS

You apply to CUWiP centrally, completing the form linked here, by 5:00pm EST on Monday, October 4, 2021. Application to CUWiP is free. APS collects applications for all the CUWiP sites. Apply to the site most convenient to your expected location on January 21, 2022. 

Step 2: Register through APS

You will receive an email from APS in late October.  If you are accepted to a CUWiP site, the email will contain instructions on how to register for that site by the deadline given in the email. You must register by the deadline contained in the email or your acceptance will be void and the CUWiP spot you were offered will be offered to a wait-listed student.  

Registration requires a $45 fee, which helps offset the cost of the conferences. If your department is not covering the cost, and the $45 would cause financial hardship, you may request a fee waiver by following the procedure explained in your acceptance email. Please  note, fee waiver requests must be made seven days in advance of the registration deadline.

Note for non-undergraduate student conferees, including graduate students and faculty chaperones: These applicants should email the UC Merced Local Organizing Committee directly regarding policies on registration, registration fees, covered expenses, and lodging.

This flow chart summarizes the process described above.