Thrilled to be recognized by the School of Natural Sciences and receive the Faculty Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring! I am fortunate to have had very talented undergraduate researchers join...
The Jensen lab welcomes 4 new undergraduate researchers and a high school student in the lab. Undergrads Gabriela Ceron UC LEADs scholar, Litzy Lemus CAMP scholar, Sahil Malhi and Ahmadzakaria...
Julia gave an oral presentation at the 2022 WHIP meeting in Woods hole, MA and a poster at the 16th International meeting on Toxoplasmosis and Toxoplasma meeting, Riverside CA. She won 2nd best talk...
Check out our review on all host forward genetic screens that have been performed on Apicomplexa parasite infections in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. Reviewed are the many forward...
April, now Dr. Apostol, was co-advised by me and Dr. Beaudin, and her thesis project is super interesting on how T. gondii infection during pregnancy impacts fetal stem cell development...
Honored and thrilled to receive the ‘Young Investigator Award – for Outstanding Oral Presentation’ at the 59th Midwinter Conference of Immunologists at Asilomar. I’m really pumped to be recognized by...
Laura Garcia-Lopez was selected for a Young Investigator Travel Award for her poster presentation given at the Midwinter Conference of Immunologists! Well deserved!
Check our out publication in PLOS Pathogens. From a genetic mapping experiment, we determine that Nfkbid is central for the antibody response to T. gondii. Both B-1 and B-2 cells are required for the...
Two new undergraudate researchers have joined the lab, Rachel Szymanski and Arlon Wizzard! We are excited to have you research with us as we delve into the immune response to parasites!