Jessica Balla

Respiratory Infections Meta-Analysis: This meta-analysis aims to identify the social cognition constructs (e.g., attitudes, risk perceptions) that are correlated with individuals' intentions toward, and actual participation in, preventive behaviors towards minimizing respiratory infection transmission (e.g., hand washing, vaccination for infections such as influenza and the common cold). We will develop and test an integrated theoretical model that specifies the unique effects of each social cognition construct on intentions and preventive behavior participation using the synthesized data, as well as identify moderators of these effects.

Protection Motivation Theory Meta-Analysis: This meta-analysis aims to identify studies measuring constructs from protection motivation theory (e.g., perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived self-efficacy), and protection motivation or intention toward, and actual participation in, health-related behaviors. In addition, the study will provide estimates of the average biased-corrected, zero-order correlations among the theory constructs, protection motivation, and behavior. We will also test the theory-implied pattern of effects by estimating a meta-analytic structural equation model, as well as test the effects of candidate moderators (e.g., conceptual, methodological factors) on the model effects.

COVID-19 Meta-Analysis: This meta-analysis aims to identify social cognition correlates (e.g., attitudes, risk perceptions) that are associated with individuals' intentions toward, and actual participation in, COVID-19 preventive behaviors (e.g., social distancing, hand washing). We will develop and test an integrated theoretical model that specifies the unique effects of each social cognition construct on intentions and preventive behavior participation using the synthesized data, as well as identify moderators of these effects.

Developing Community-Engaged and Contextually Tailored COVID-19 Vaccine Messages for Latinos in the Central Valley (The C4 Project): This project aims to develop culturally responsive vaccination messages to increase Latino community engagement with government and health authorities’ communication efforts during outbreaks such as COVID-19. The project adopts an innovative mixed methods co-design approach for message development, which will not only yield messages tailored to the California Latino community, but also produce a rigorous and systematic protocol that can be applied in future development of similar messages for other health-related behaviors.